At The Wurks


The Wurks has a series of communal shop spaces including a wood shop, metal shop, print shop & industrial lift.

Here’s a breakdown of our current Communal Shops assets.

Wood Shop

Open to all Wurksers with experience and training on any machine they're familiar with.

Resources include machinery for cutting, sanding, clamping, gluing.

Table Saw

Band Saw

Chop Saw

Drill Press

Electric Sanders



Hand Tools

metal SHOP

Open to all Wurksers with experience and training on any machine they're familiar with.

Resources include machinery for cutting, welding, machining, bending, pressing and forming.


Jump Sheers

Metal Saws


Hand Tools



The Print Shop is open to all Wurksers with experience and training on any machine they're familiar with.

Resources include printing presses, silk screen set up and dark room.  

30"x40" Silk Screen Exposure Unit

24" x 36" Beinfang Seal Drymount Press

Dark Room

Etching press

24” Guillotine